RMS is pleased to announce that it has received accreditation as per clause 2.2.3, Verification of local content, under the Mining Charter: broad-based socio-economic empowerment charter for the mining and minerals industry: 2018. The products that have been verified for local contents of more than 60 percent include RMS magnesia chrome-based refractory bricks and andalusite-based brick. These products are extensively used in metallurgical furnaces in both ferrous and non-ferrous industries. This makes RMS the only refractory producer in South Africa to comply with the new Mining Charter provisions for localisation. RMS has a proud heritage in South Africa and is fully committed to being part of unlocking the mineral wealth in Southern Africa and the world, benefiting society and making the world a better place. Together with our black empowerment shareholding of 33 percent, RMS is well-positioned to meet the requirements of the Charter’s intent.
This is the first step in our SABS accreditation journey and we will be starting the process on our non-brick refractories during 2022 that have a local content of more than 60 percent. In addition to the products manufactured and sold by RMS, the company offers consulting, laboratory, storage, and thermal imaging services. Our aim is to be the refractory partner of choice for our client base, not only delivering product, but a value add service. Our client base covers Southern Africa, North America, the Middle East and Indonesia.

Download our SABS Accreditation here.
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